How often should I have a dental cleaning and examination?
For optimal oral health, we recommend that you find a dentist get a dental cleaning and exam every six months. An oral exam consists of examining your teeth, removing plaque, potentially taking x-rays, along with a deep tooth cleaning and polish.
How do I know if I have gum disease?
Unfortunately, most people that have gum disease are unaware of it. Because gum disease is painless as it begins, it is crucial to schedule regular dental exams. Symptoms of gum disease include consistent bad breath, receding gums, red or bleeding gums, new spaces between teeth, and loose teeth. If you have a concern about gum disease we recommend you make an appointment at our dentist clinic.
How can I get rid of stains or discolorations on my teeth?
There are many products and methods available to whiten teeth. However, we recommend professional teeth whitening as the best way to improve your smile. Contact our dental office today to find out more information about teeth whitening and if it is right for you.